Folklore associated with the legends of “Mouras”

The Cuna da Moura Natural Area is situated around a peculiar rock that is steeped in mythology about “mouras.”

The rock is located in Outeiro Grande, on land belonging to the Rega dos Agros Communal Woodland of Combarro, very close to the old Camino Real and less than one kilometre from the Combarro Historical Site.

How to arrive

A rock that was the home to a “moura”

This is a granite rock with a cavity (pía) produced by natural erosion, but also partly modelled artificially. According to legend, a “moura” (a supernatural being) lived inside the rock, who had a ribbon and asked everyone who passed by to pull it. If it was broken, the spell would disappear, and the traveller would receive riches in return.

When the villagers went into the mountains with their sheep, it was also customary to leave their food on the rock, in the belief that the “moura” would bring them gifts.

The area is currently signposted from the Camino Real of Combarro and can be reached along the path provided.

Mythical creatures of Galicia

For traditional Galician rural society, the “mouras” and “mouros” were the mythical inhabitants of the fortified settlements, dolmens, springs, rivers, but also of some notable crags. It was said that they lived underground and that they guarded fabulous treasures. The “mouras” are often described as women of great beauty who appear combing their hair with golden combs or spinning with a spindle and spinning wheel and who subjected people who came across them to various challenges in exchange for riches.